
today on May 26 2021 a beautiful blood red supermoon

 Total eclipse of 2021’s closest supermoon today on May 26 2021

Beautiful blood red moon

The last total eclipse of the moon was more than 2 years ago on January 21, 2019. Tom Wildoner captured this image of it from Weatherly, Pennsylvania.During a total lunar eclipse, at totality or mid-eclipse, the moon turns blood red. Thank you, Tom!


 On May 26, 2021, the full moon will sweep through the Earth’s dark umbral shadow, creating a total eclipse of the moon. 

This May full moon is 2021’s closest (and therefore biggest and brightest) full moon of the year: a supermoon. 

The eclipse will take place in the early morning hours, before sunrise, for those in western North America and at other times for people elsewhere on the globe.
This particular eclipse is also special because the totality, or total phase, is so short-lived, lasting less than 15 minutes. Read further:







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