
Prisoner Boxcars& Guillotines, <> 2021 The Road To Hell


A  United States Air force C-17 cargo plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base loaded with crates of “smart” guillotines, says a White House insider speaking under condition of anonymity.

FEMA “Smart” Guillotines Placed in FEMA Internment Camps

The guillotine project was commissioned in 2011,
at the request of former president Barrack Hussein Obama, who had hoped during his term to declare martial law and use the deadly apparatus against patriots and freedom fighters that challenged his one-world government agenda. The guillotine, he added, is the ideal method of execution for instilling fear among the masses.

 (video educational  news)

And now in 2021 we can use them: 

 AMG: UN/FEMA Prisoner Boxcars With Shackles, Guillotines, And the NWO

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This video is from the Obama administration-Blitzer, Snowden fm April 2013

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