


Churches, Cathedrals and Mosques were never built as Places of Worship, but as 'Energy Plants' that, through their Form, Geometry and Materials Used, could capture and transmit Atmospheric Energy and Frequencies for the benefit of Man, Animal and Plant.


           THE GREATEST STORY - Part 1

The more you delve into history and understand the required technology to build the infrastructure and buildings of the past, the more you realize we are missing part of the story - The Greatest Story.

Just who did all this work and what happened to them?
Who now controls us and makes us pay for energy that once was free?
This series includes various composition styles and historical subjects, together with music gear explanations used.

                THE GREATEST STORY - Part 2 - Ruthless

There are so many anomalies during the 1800s and early 1900s, whereas this video selects only a few and how ruthless the 'controllers' are in hiding our true history. FYI... when you see that giant Ferris wheel, keep in mind that the axle alone weighed over 90,000 pounds and was so thick of steel that they could not cut it up and destroy it... it was buried under a golf course.


            THE GREATEST STORY - Part 3 -Strange Days
theyll shut you down when your spreading the truth
See on BitChute:

Has there ever been a stranger time than the 1800s (early 1900s), with massive buildings of similar styles found world-wide, photographs of odd people, customs and animals? This composition uses the Roland Integra-7 and midi-keyboard exclusively.


             THE GREATEST STORY - Part 4 - Paradise Lost

 Breathtaking pictures of Chicago and think about what they've destroyed in the attempt to suppress the truth about our past. There are tons of fires, great fires and earthquakes between 1780 and 1930.


          THE GREATEST STORY - Part 5 - Boer War

 With photography and film around at the time of the Boer War, why do we not have any official footage or pictures of battles; rather, we get reenactments. And how curious that wonderous architecture was around in Africa prior to this war even taking place.


THE GREATEST STORY - Part 6 - The Way It Should Be

 At one time the world was beautiful, and the architecture so uniform from one country to the next, that it had to have been created by the same people, living harmoniously.
Today, architecture is mostly bland, box-like and consistnig of materials that won't last (a lot of steel framing and glass). We couldn't replicate the building of the past even if we wanted to.


THE GREATEST STORY - Part 7 - Guatemalan Facade

No matter where you go in the world, there are buildings that have the same characteristics and from the same timeline. Guatemala is no exception. It may be Central America, but it the architecture is no different than Europe, Australia, South America or the United States. Something very 'common' happened world-wide and during a particular time.

THE GREATEST STORY - Part 8 - Most Beautiful

There literally are hundreds of amazing architectural wonders, whereas this is a very small sample. The sheer beauty and unobtainable structures tells us the people of the past were not simple, and any claims that some of these were built in the mid 1800s to early 1900s is hogwash and a deception of our timeline and who we were (and what we were cable of, with horse, wagon, shovel and hammer).

THE GREATEST STORY - Part 9 - Time Shifters


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