
Changes are coming in home ownership:

 • All U.S. banks have been purchased by the New U.S. Treasury (which has relocated from Washington D.C. to the Sparks Indian Colony near Reno, Nevada) 

Results of a military investigation found that some bank owners secretly received a full loan payment immediately after a home owner signed mortgage papers but continued to require and accept monthly mortgage payments from the home owner. They were double dipping. Here is what has been happening for decades:
In the early 1940’s, as Birth Certificates were started and generally accepted as legal documents, corrupt politicians kept the original documents, monetized and sold them on the Stock Market (parents received copies and not the originals).
The politicians dipped into this hidden and illegal slush fund created from the sales. The scheme was finally revealed by Military investigators. In the next few weeks, all illegal profits made from birth certificates will be returned to each citizen.
• In answer to questions about a Debt Jubilee or forgiveness of all debts.
For over a year now, citizens have looked forward to this benefit from the new laws of the Republic. It was finally legalized by Mr. Trump on Wednesday, July 10, 2024.
Details: The U.S. Treasury will send out a computer algorithm to each bank to zero out all mortgage debt, credit card debit, car debt, etc. Citizens do not have to contact their debtor to ask for the Debt Jubilee. Watch for your new zero balance statement coming out sometime in August.
• Changes are coming in home ownership, foreclosures, and taxes.

Beginning in August, Mortgages will be tokenized with a blockchain platform. Details will be coming. It started with the farmers of America. They have used their farm machinery and family home as collateral for security of loans. Many lost their farm and home if they defaulted on loan payments.
Mr. Trump has changed the system so no family will lose their farm or home. Details coming next month in August.

Next to be financially reimbursed are the American Indians.
Then debt relief to all U.S. citizens.
Foreclosures are now illegal. No more property taxes. 
Sales of used homes will have no taxation; new homes will have a sales tax.
To cure inflation, all pricing of homes, cars, merchandise, etc. will use the pricing from the year 1955. 
No more credit scores. All three credit reporting agencies have been dismantled.

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