
Jesus real Birthday is 911:

The Israeli army blew up the largest historical mosque Masjid al-Haram in Gaza.
And before they blew it up, they went in there and tore up all the Korans, and then burned them.

Israel will bomb Mecca.
Something will happen at Al Asqa.
Mahdi and Jesus storm Al-Asqa
Muslim's and Christian's come together to remove the Anti-Christ Govt of Israel. Overturning the Balfour Declaration.

Many Jets will be hi-jacked they will do a Worldwide 911.

Y because this Jesus Birthday and the day NESARA was supposed to be delivered. Strap in, be ready.

Santa is MBS. He cuts the Red Sea Cables which connect the World Banking System etc Justice for Christmas.  Jesus real Birthday is 911.

Russia Bear and the 3 Ribs.
Egypt, Libya and Syria.

Egypt the largest Army in Africa.
The Frogs go into Israel
So watch the Nile.

DJT just posted John.
Kennedy Bridge must fall imminently.
French Foreign Legion.
Flooding in Niger now.
Trans Sahara Pipeline Junction Algerian Military

The aim is to take down European Oil & Gas companies.

Diana - t.me/PrincessDiana_Q/258









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