
Michelle Fielding with Nick Veniamin - Important Points:

⇝ All coins will go from 1 to 1 in the long term (0 to 3 years).
⇝ 90% of countries have adopted CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).
This is the new Starlink system and NOT the corrupt Illuminati banking system.

⇝ All digital currencies will be backed by assets, most likely; gold and silver.
⇝ Starlink has these two priority functions for managing the world.
a) Keep peace with other countries.
b) Keep peace between citizens and their governments.

⇝ Understand, devolution means transfer of power to the citizens of the world, individual sovereignty for all peoples.
Only 10% of the current government will exist in all countries.
Governments will NOT have control over money or financial systems around the world, this will be Starlink. This will be managed by a non-political world military. Military Guardians.

⇝ NESARA/GESARA will be slowly implemented.
⇝ What is the delay? It's politics, licensing and regulation, it has to do with physical currency to track and make it secure. It has to be encrypted. The encryption style is still being decided.

⇝ Everyone knows now, it will be a digital currency on Starlink with accounts there, it is assumed that there will be an intermediate currency for each country, kind of encrypted, but long term; gold and silver coins (and paper money with a GPS in it, we think) with no country and one value for all countries, can be issued anywhere in the world, long term goal; for all currencies it will be 1 to 1. (There will be NO long-term exchange offices.

⇝ The fiat currency we have now will be exchanged 1 to 1 regardless of interval time.
⇝ There will be a natural transition to the Starlink Bank so people can get used to it.
⇝ Local exchanges will be another long-term goal. No more commuting to work, jobs will be remote and automation will take over manufacturing.

⇝ The whole world will be peace, unity, oneness and individual sovereignty for the true freedom of people around the world. We are liberating ourselves from divide and rule.

⇝ No black money or illegal actions through cash, all transactions will be monitored.
⇝ All cryptos must be ISO200022 and backed by gold or silver. If not, they go away.
⇝ Digital wallets are likely to be used in the meantime. The point is to change perspective. Banks will downsize, big time. This will be via QFS, a combination of blockchain and quantum systems.

⇝ They're not in a hurry, they want to do it right.
⇝ Q phones (Quantum), Q computers, and PI phones will only work with QFS and Starlink.

⇝ All countries will want to apply for this because of the security and benefits, 90% of countries already have it,
⇝ New clean energy is air (ether or quantum realm), water, sun, Tesla coils or magnetism.

⇝ R/V humanitarians can exchange ZIM.
⇝ All countries sign up for CBDC, digital currency for:
a) transaction security
b) stop traffic
c) freedom of movement around the world
d) return of government control

⇝ Policies will be voted on via Starlink and QVS (Quantum Voting System). Power rests with the grassroots, the people of the world. There are no more presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens who have power over the people.

⇝ The transaction on QFS is encrypted on the device, the Q-phone, for example, by fingerprint, thumb or retina scan, but on the other hand, QFS records 50 transaction movements with digital or real currency encrypted and tracked.

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