
The Giant of Kandahar- The Lost Race Of The Nephilim

The Nephilim would be the Angels’ offspring.
A good number of ancient documents refer to the Nephilim as to the “Sons of Heaven” or angels.
The Scrolls of the Dead Sea, the Book of Enoch, the Ge’ez Manuscripts, and the modern version of the Old Testament pseudepigrapha, to name a f

The Bible, in the Genesis, refers to a race of giants who at that time lived on Earth. Their origin is unclear, perhaps the “Sons of the Fallen Angels and the Daughters of Man,” the Nephilim?


Marines Say They Found Biblical Giant In Afghanistan 

The Giant of Kandahar And The Lost Race Of The Nephilim

In 2002 the U.S. military is alleged to have killed a giant. The government is said to have covered the story, trying to keep it secret from the world.

Steven Quayle spoke of an occurrence, still classified by the US Government, in his popular Radio Show “Coast to Coast”: the events allegedly happened in 2002 on a desert part of the Afghanistan, when a U.S. Army squad went missing.
A Special Ops Task Force was sent to find out what had happened, and the soldiers walked along a ragged, mountainous trail until arriving at the entrance of a large cave.
Pieces of broken U.S. military equipment and gear were scattered all around the clearing.

The Task Force was about to enter the cave to explore its recesses when a  13-feet, red-headed, six-digit, double-toothed humanoid emerged and attacked them.

According to the witnesses, the giant pierced one of the soldiers with his long spear killing him, before the rest of the squad could take him down, shooting at his face for thirty seconds straight.

The body of the giant was packed and loaded into a helicopter, and transferred to a secret location in the USA for study.

Based on Quayle’s story L.A. Marzulli succeeded in identifying and interviewing one of the members of the Task Force who actually saw – and shot – the Giant of Kandahar, as the event became to be known.

The soldier said that his squad, on searching the cave, had come around a gigantic humanoid with a thick red beard and long hair of the same color. Inside the cave there were remains of human bones, leading the military to think that the creature was a cannibal.

One of the soldiers was impaled by the weapon the giant wielded, a kind a long spear or lance, during the 30-second shootout (it took that long to kill the creature.)
According to the witness the USG didn’t disclose the event and has no intention to do it in the future, because “giants don’t match with the way we explain our world.”

The giant weighed about 500 Kg as estimated by the C-130 Cargo plane team who transported the body from the pick-up location to the United States.

The witness remembers that one of the pilots noted a “terrible stench of musk and dirt” exuding from the cadaver, like a man “who didn’t shower for 10 years.”
(The witness told Marzulli that the odor was more intense than that of a skunk, and close to that of a pile of decomposing corpses.)
The giant wore a canvas or animal hide to protect his feet, like some sort of moccasins.

We searched online and retrieved the original interview.
The witness talks details about the encounter with this huge being which had occurred in a remote area near Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Marzulli calls the witness “The Shooter” due to his active involvement in the giant’s killing, and claims to have interviewed him three times on the phone and at different times, to check for any discrepancies in his story. Having found none, eventually he was convinced that the event was real, and decided to meet the military in person.
The meeting occurred in an undisclosed location READ HERE FURTHER

Nephlim in Afghanistan,


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