
Make sure you have the necessities":

The Greatest Global Military Intelligence Operation in Planet Earth's History.

Make sure you have the necessities.
2 to 3 weeks worth. 21
days of food people. Do not panic. Military will also help, everyone.

The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Martial Law.

Changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776.
Will be a Transition
CASTLE ROCK. You will see my write ups from January 2020. Just about go time.



All of Earth needs to be Switched Off, Programs Removed, Books Burnt History Re-written, Re-wired then Rebooted.


U.S SpaceForce Guardians Of The Galaxy.
This is the Part 2 of the 1700's Renaissance. They burnt all the books in the streets then too.
We have all been under Project Mockingbird & Paperclip our whole lives.

 Everything is wrong.
The Music Is About To Stop

Forwarded from WhipLash347


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