
Press Conference from Japan:

 Press Conference from Japan: A Call for Global Solidarity: The Largest Global Protest Against WHO.

"This National Movement is, in fact, a campaign to protect the lives of our citizens from the public health dictatorship of the Gates Foundation, WHO..."|

Our friends in Japan kick-started the National Movement to protect Japanese citizens (and the world) against the WHO in a press conference today.|
This National Movement will culminate in what the organizers aim to be the world's biggest protest against the WHO on May 31, 2024.

This movement is aimed at safeguarding citizens from the undue influence of global entities like the Gates Foundation, WHO, alongside with the Japanese government and the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. This stance comes in response to actions and measures implemented in the wake of what has been termed an artificial pandemic.

Notably, in April 2021, a figure comparable to Japan's Anthony Fauci, Minister of Health Keizo Takemi, highlighted in a webinar hosted by the UN Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federation of Economic Organizations, the push towards enforcing measures under the International Health Regulations (IHR). Takemi, who leads the Committee on Global Health and Human Security explicitly acknowledged the Gates Foundation as a primary financier of these initiatives.

The central issue extends beyond immediate responses to the pandemic, challenging the future course set by the WHO through its pandemic agreement and IHR revisions.
There's a growing apprehension that these plans may serve to further entrench a global vaccine business and facilitate the establishment of a totalitarian health regime under the guise of public safety.

The narrative is not merely a domestic affair but a global call to action, urging individuals and communities worldwide to stand in solidarity with Japan against what is described as a public health dictatorship. It's about standing up for a future where public health decisions are transparent, equitable, and free from corrupt influence from private interests …









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