
Fractional Reserve Banking Explained:

By Peter B. Meyer - 4 July, 2024

• Our freedom begins by freeing ourselves from corrupt money.

• As this information is vital to our future existence, please take it to heart.

The global financial system is organised around centrally managed, privately owned, fractional reserve fiat currencies, a technical tool of the world's banking elite that by design enslaves the public to inflation and the impossibility of repaying debt.

The money masters' attempt to take control of the world with their debt-backed money has paid off handsomely for them, and the resulting economic imbalances and fiscal atrocities can be seen in every corner of the economy and in every nation on earth.

As poverty is globalised, the banking cartel and its 1% elite are reaping riches beyond the wildest imagination of history's most unscrupulous kings and rulers.

Under a fractional reserve banking system, banks can lend many times more than they have in customer deposits. Under such a system, banks do not hold enough legal tender notes (cash) to meet the withdrawal requests of all their depositors.

If many, but not necessarily all, of their depositors demand their cash, the banks would not be able to meet their demands. What is now starting to happen nationwide!

This is why fractional reserve banks rely on government insurance and the confidence of their depositors that their money will be there when they need it.

If confidence is lost and too many depositors demand their cash, known as a 'bank run', banks can go bankrupt and bank bailouts/bailins become necessary.

In the long run, fractional reserve banking leads to an oversupply of money and consumer price and asset inflation.

Consumer price inflation is THEFT by the government and hurts the less wealthy by increasing their cost of living, while asset price inflation benefits the wealthy by increasing the value of their assets.

The privilege of creating money is an extra resource for the banking sector. Banks charge interest on money created out of nothing, which doesn't cost anything.

Society pays for this in the form of taxes that should pay for the interest on government debt that exists out of nothing.

In short, the cabal-owned private banks are the direct beneficiaries of the current fractional reserve system at the expense of the citizens, and are in fact the criminals who caused today's financial crisis.

So it's obvious that no currency can hold its value in this system.
When a currency holds its value, governments have less incentive to lie about its performance. They can honestly say that their money is sound and that their citizens' savings are getting a little more valuable every year. Savers are rewarded for their thrift, while borrowers are punished for their profligacy.

When fractional reserve banking is outlawed, banks are no longer the distributors of a torrent of newly printed money, they are far less powerful, they have fewer incentives to make unwise loans for immediate fee income, and they control fewer resources.

Conclusion; the issue of money must be returned to the people, for whom the Off-World OFS system is designed and ready for immediate use, once the existing money system has killed itself, or the mob wakes up!

Distribute this important information far and wide in everyone's interest...



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