
RUSSIAN MILITARY by Law has confirmed INDUS. Also [Elite Forces]:

 RUSSIAN MILITARY by Law has confirmed INDUS


Remember i said the 17 Militaries [Elite Forces] originally part of the Q Global Alliance included the Spetznaz and US Delta Force, Seals, SF, JSOC, SpaceForce, Mil Intel etc 

4 Beasts. Yes the good guys of US, Russia, Germany[GSG 9] & Poland [GROM] are working together.

Now it is 150+ Militaries.
The 4th Beast is North Korea.
Why do you think Q uses NK in the Event[Ending]|

The leader who rode White Horses after being freed from the NWO.
Behold a Pale Horse.
Remember i said which currency [Ruble] will be revalued against has just become the strongest on Earth!

Remember i confirmed the Defender Europe Operations which included Swiss Banking. Swiss & Luxembourg.
2020. Germany & Sweden too.
Deutsche Bank news is obvious

Vlad has always said he was going to DECLAS things.
He just needed Trump.


Forwarded from WhipLash347





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