
Pemberton created Coca-Cola, which he initially marketed as a cure-all tonic:

 American pharmacist John S. Pemberton created Coca-Cola, which he initially marketed as a cure-all tonic.


Dr. John Stith Pemberton invented Coca-Cola on May 8, 1886, forever transformng the world's eating patterns. The drink's name comes from two of its original ingredients: coca leaves (a source of legal cocaine) and kola nuts (a source of caffeine). 

As a pharmacist from Atlanta, he had access to a wide range of chemicals and natural components. One day, he made a dark liquid and decided to take it to his shop, Jacobs' Pharmacy, to be mixed with soda water.
At this time, a test was necessary. So he had the pharmacy's customers try it, and they raved about how wonderful and refreshing it was.

Pemberton then began selling the precursor to today's Coca-Cola for five cents per glass as a takeout.


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