
The WEF represents itself as a disciple of Satan Evil!

 Right in your face and you didn't see it?

 Bizarre Satanic Tapestry Displayed at WEF Davos Summit' full of satanic symbolism. The circle that runs through the three O's forms three sixes.

It is The Walthamstow Tapestry, a tapestry by the British artist and transvestite Grayson Perry.  

The journey of a Human life begins with birth as a baby and leads through a trail of blood to the mouth of the devil.

t was purchased in 2014 by the Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht with the support of the VriendenLoterij. Vriendenloterij, = Postcodeloterij, = Staatsloterij = W.E.F.

Former UK Prime Minister Theresa May was pictured posing in front of the tapestry after the discussion.

Yes, that's the WEF, we're dealing with!!  It testifies to a deep hatred for the whole of humanity, and also the WEFfigures who participate in it!  Who wants to reduse humanity to 500 Million who are left to serve the ELITE Devil worshippers!!

This tapestry is based on the interests of Freemasonry. It bears witness to that once again! FREEMASONRY =  A SATANIC CULT!!

And they want to play GOD. Fuck them All !

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