
General Flynn discusses Trump being reinstated: Trump Won!

Sidney Powell "Trump will be reinstated!" Lin Wood & General Flynn Agree: Trump Won!  

 “…what should happen if we find out that there are a sufficient number of electoral votes that are reversed because proper audits are done, and Trump now has over 270, right? Then you reinstate the guy and you get rid of the guy that’s there. 

And everybody’s gonna go ‘ohh this is unconstitutional!’ BULLSHIT…

So, that is unprecedented at the Presidential level but it doesn’t mean that it’s not gonna happen or cannot happen.”

Sidney Powell told a crowd at The For God & Country Patriot Roundup, ”Trump will be reinstated and a new Inauguration Day will be set!” Powell also shared that Trump would serve the remaining 3 years of this term. 


Trump Saying, He Will Be Reinstated By August?







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