
JFK To 911 till now - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

canaan, history, globalism, 300, St. John, IRS, system, USA, Chatham house, elite, genealogy, elitist, ruling class, transcript, barack obama, barack h. obama, weatherstone, clinton, overpopulation, manning, British, afghanistan, russia, geopolitics, documents, treason, deception, presidency, Mafia, NAZI, Hitler, Fascism, Fascist, George Bush, committee, elections, congress, biden, tarpley, destabilization, war, illuminati, bertrand russell, corporations, world, world domination, birthers, depression, downturn, banking, Smedley Butler, Bush family, Union Bank, scam, oligarch, economics, guelphs, supreme court, court case, antony sutton, Trotsky, Club of Rome, documentation, documents, money, corruption, tarpley, webster griffin tarpley, NAFTA, GATT, Carter, Aspen Institute, Eustace Mullins, brzezinski, global politics, global domination, trilateral, trilateral comission, geopolitics, war, russia, iran, GLOBAL 2000, bilderberg, think tanks, nuclear war, deception, columbia, treason, concealment, HIV, plague, library, House of Windsor, terrorism, RIIA, empire, warfare, industry, federal reserve

A crash-course in the hidden history of robber barons, fascism, and organized crime government in the twentieth century. 

While very well made, there are some historical weaknesses. 

(1)  The role of the Khazars and the British in American history are not really delved into, yet essential. 

(2)  While it is true that the concentration camps were used for labor forces in German factories, the historical fact is that the 'inmate' laborers (with possibly the exception of actual criminals) were paid.  While underpayment may be a form of slavery itself, the long ago discredited "Holocaust" mythology is indirectly perpetuated.

Both of these gaps can be filled with 

the materials available here> https://archive.org/details/JFKTo911


  6 januar Washington DC



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