
Angels live secretly among us for the promised day.

President John F.  Kennedy started and Trump will end it.


President Trump and Vice President Pompeo will be sworn in on March 4 in the U.S Congress.
Q members will give a big speech in Congress that day.


🐸🍿 Members of Q 🇺🇸🐸🍿

Leader : General Michael Flynn

Senior Advisor : President Donald J. Trump

Senior members :

John F. Kennedy Jr.
General Charles Flynn
Vice President Mike Pompeo
Donald Trump Jr.
Ivanka Trump
Kayleigh McEnany
Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
Michael Jackson
Elvis Presley


 Members of the new government :

President Donald J. Trump

First Lady Melania Trump

Vice President Mike Pompeo

Second Lady Susan Pompeo

U.S Secretary of State John F. Kennedy Jr.

Commander of U.S Army General Charles Flynn

Commander of U.S National Guard General Michael Flynn

U.S Secretary of Treasury Ivanka Trump

Chief of U.S Department of Arts and Culture Michael Jackson

U.S Special Representative for Iran Seyed Mohammad Hosseini

White House Press Secretary Daniel Scavino Jr.

Senior Advisor to POTUS Kayleigh McEnany


Angels live secretly among us for the promised day.

 If you know, you know !


If you know, you know ! 


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