Militair Tribunaal veroordeelt Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel
Toen hij de beslissing van het Tribunaal hoorde, kwam een woedende Bancel uit zijn stoel en begon zijn geboeide polsen in de lucht te schudden. “Hoe kun je dit doen? Ik ben een zakenman. Ik heb twee kinderen—
“Laten we hopen dat je ze niet hebt gevaccineerd”, interrumpeerde Vice Adm. Crandall.
De executie van Bancel staat gepland voor 18 november in GITMO.
The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Office of Military Commissions had difficulty finding three impartial panelists to hear evidence against Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, for every interviewee knew someone whose life the vaccine had shattered—or killed.
Following a weeklong search, JAG picked the three—two male Marine Corps officers and a female Navy captain—who expressed the least ill will toward Bancel. Nonetheless, they found Bancel guilty of murder five minutes after Vice Adm. Darse
E. Crandall rested JAG’s case and implored the panel to deliver upon Bancel a punishment commensurate to the damage his vaccines had caused the world.
Perhaps the pharmaceutical mogul’s tenor during an opening statement set the tone for the tribunal. Defending himself,
Bancel denounced the tribunal as an “illegal kangaroo court” and, avoiding eye contact with the panel, smugly said that Moderna’s Covid vaccine was clinically safe and effective and that he could not be held liable for “coincidental injuries or fatalities” because the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) had granted him immunity from prosecution in matters involving the
company’s products.
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